
People these days..

Today I feel like ranting.. Instead of ranting 24/7 to my boyfriend you guys can hear me out this time. Only because I love you guys that much.

So when i'm out, i like to observe things and now when i look around, all i see are stupid IGNORANT little people that think they own the streets. Now, i'm not saying everyone's like that. It's just a generalisation. This is directed more towards a group of people that irritate me.

Sometimes I just think to myself, what the fuck has the world come to. Suddenly smoking weed, drinking alch and sleeping around has become to cool thing to do. No, just no. Especially little girls these days. Like girl, do you even wear a bra? Do you even know what a vagina is?? That's motherfucking disgusting. Get the fuck away from me. Nobody wants your STD's. THAT is what pops into my head straight away when I think of them. Now people will be like 'OMG, you can't just judge people like that! You don't even know them!' Well guess what, YES I CAN. Everyone judges. It's a natural thing to do and GOOD because I don't want to know them or have any association with them. Now bitches be like 'They've probably made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes'. This, my friend, is true. Everyone makes mistakes however, to continue doing it and repeating it is NOT a mistake anymore. It's a choice.

Speaking of judging, who the fuck are those people to judge anyone? But they do, everyday, every minute. Putting someone down and making them look bad to other people. DO YOU OWN A FUCKING MIRROR? You have brought shame to your family dear and just because you live a sad fucked up life. Don't go try fucking up another person's life. That is the most saddest thing to do. Sadder then eating alone in a restaurant. Like really? Don't you have anything else to do? Probably not. lol. why'd i even ask. Do you wake up in the morning and be like, HMMM, who should I talk shit about today? Talk shit, get hit bitch. Not hit HIT like physical hit, I mean karma hit. Karma is gonna hit you so hard, more than anyone else would.

So, what are you going to be like when you're older, when you've finally snapped outta this thuglife phase of yours? Think back and be like 'OMG how cool was I!!' HAHAHHAHA this makes me laugh. Mate, WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE? 
So what? YOLO you say? SHUTUP ALRIGHT, I'm sick of this yolo shit. No, YOLO is not doing stupid shit. YOLO is you only live once MEANING you only have one life. Why the fuck would you damage your body and waste your life like that. stupid shit.

You're a fucking waste of oxygen. smh.

Apologies for use of coarse language.

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