
Anniversary Date

Yes, we hit 25 months yesterday, it seems like such a long time but trust me.. its actually not. I seriously don't know where time flew to.

We went to Nandos for lunch first and then Ikea to get some stuff and continue to eat some more. This was my first time eating at Ikea and it was actually pretty good. I really wanted to try the meatballs there but I heard they had horse meat in them and I can't picture myself eating horse :( so I got them sweet potato fries instead with almond cake, STAY AWAAAY from the raspberry jelly, normally red jelly is like the shiz but this one was so crap, It was like eating tap water with some fake flavouring. So lucky my bubbah got orange flavour so I can steal some of his. <3

We then proceeded to watch 'The Heat' at Palace cinemas which is like a dead man's cinema because no one has heard of it since everyone goes to Hoyts or Village, but had a coupon so why not?? Also, since the movie was released 2 days ago, I refuse to go watch it at a popular cinema since they're always so packed and I would rather have no one sitting next to me. The movie was really funny, watch it if you wanna laugh.

After that, we had dinner at TGI Friday, the food is like awesomeness on a plate. It's so nice. The servings there are so massive as well, especially the burgers. Guaranteed satisfaction. The images do not even show how good the food is. Also, the atmosphere is really nice. I hate the bathroom there though, the most embarrassing thing happened to me, i thought I locked myself in because i couldn't open the door to get out even though I pushed it and pulled it so hard. After 5 minutes of doing that it was literally about to break down, I then realised it was a sliding door.... -sigh- some girl outside looked at me weirdly. Don't judge me :( After dinner, we went to the arcade opposite the restaurant to play some games, gotta burn off the calories ya know.

That was about it, even though it was nothing special, just a casual date but it was still very special to me and super fun!

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